IT law, company law, e-commerce, GDPR
ul. Na Wzgórzu 13, 32-087 Pękowice, Poland
Immigration law and services for foreigners
ul. Przy Rondzie 53/5, 31-547 Kraków, Poland
Criminal law, fiscal criminal law, immigration law, legal services for foreigners
ul. Kotlarska 6/3, 31-539 Kraków, Poland
ul. Ujejskiego 24, 38-200 Jasło, Poland
If our vision of providing legal services is close to you and you would like to join our team, let us know.
We will be happy to establish cooperation with advocates, attorneys-at-law, solicitors, barristers, trainees, and law students from other countries; as well as start working relationship with persons who provide services related to legal ones (such as sworn translators/ interpreters, tax advisors etc.) – to make our legal assistance more comprehensive and complex.